LabArchives Hacks

We’ve pulled together five of our favorite LabArchives hacks for you! These tidbits come from our team as well as instructors, researchers and students who all use LabArchives for a variety of tasks.

We’ve pulled together five of our favorite LabArchives hacks for you! These tidbits come from our team as well as instructors, researchers and students who all use LabArchives for a variety of tasks. We hope these tricks and tools make your LabArchives experience just that much more enjoyable!

Using Google Drive within LabArchives

Sync these two platforms and access any file, anytime, anywhere and from any device (yep, we’ve got an app too)! Updating a google doc inside of LabArchives? All changes will appear in real time on both platforms.

Widget Library

A library full of calculators, templates, rubrics and other goodies designed to make your life easier. You can even build your own widget with a little help from our Support Team. Take a few minutes to explore our widget library, you won’t be disappointed it’s a treasure trove!

Google Forms

This is a pretty crafty trick submitted by one of our very own Support Team members! Use a google form to keep track of… well.. pretty much anything! Working in a lab or teaching a lab course? Embed a form that requires researchers/students to report quantities of each material used during their work session. Stop spending precious time taking detailed inventories and forget the constant struggle of trying to stay ahead of ordering materials. Using a google form reduces this burden and helps you collect inventory data without lifting a finger!

Tag Library

Use tags to quickly find exactly what you’re looking for. We’ve had users create tags for specific experiments, lab members, dates, projects or even sample numbers. There are infinite ways to use the tag library (and our powerful search function) to keep relevant information grouped together in an easily findable format.

Embed Videos

This one is for all the visual learners and YouTube learners out there! We’ve all come across that ideal YouTube video that perfectly encapsulates a lab method or concept we want to remember. And how many of us have never been able to find that video again? More than a few. With about 3 clicks you can directly embed a video into the relevant section of your lab notebook and refer back to it at any point.

Latest Blog Posts

LabArchives provides the flexibility and ease of customization required to meet these demands coupled with many unique security features, which make it ideal for CDMOs and other research organizations where security is critical.
The NIH 2023 DMP requirement encourages researchers to proactively plan for data sharing, with the expectation that data sharing will become an integral part of regular research conduct. In this article, we summarize the types of the data you should expect to share and best practices that you should start familiarizing yourself with to be best prepared.
The NIH 2023 DMP requirement encourages researchers to proactively plan for data sharing, with the expectation that data sharing will become an integral part of regular research conduct. In this article, we provide an overview on data repositories and how to identify compliant repositories that are most suitable for the data you are expected to share.
Adopting a modern electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) like LabArchives to support best practices in data management, lab connectivity, collaboration and research reproducibility can help position institutions for a successful REF 2029 review.

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