LabArchives provides the flexibility and ease of customization required to meet these demands coupled with many unique security features, which make it ideal for CDMOs and other research organizations where security is critical.
The NIH 2023 DMP requirement encourages researchers to proactively plan for data sharing, with the expectation that data sharing will become an integral part of regular research conduct. In this article, we summarize the types of the data you should expect to share and best practices that you should start familiarizing yourself with to be best prepared.
The NIH 2023 DMP requirement encourages researchers to proactively plan for data sharing, with the expectation that data sharing will become an integral part of regular research conduct. In this article, we provide an overview on data repositories and how to identify compliant repositories that are most suitable for the data you are expected to share.
Adopting a modern electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) like LabArchives to support best practices in data management, lab connectivity, collaboration and research reproducibility can help position institutions for a successful REF 2029 review.
The purpose of this document is to outline the key components of the NIH 2023 Data Management and Sharing (DMS) policy
Calls for open science have increased in the past decades, with open access publishing becoming more popular.
Greater volumes of data are generated than ever before with expanding technologies that create large amounts of data.
LabArchives is continuously working to improve our product offerings. Here are some of the exciting new platform releases.
ROAR has approximately 400 users on their campus as the University purchased a LabArchives ELN license for all research and teaching staff.
These guiding principles are the embodiment of our commitment to data protection, research integrity, and ensuring strong trust in technology.
LabArchives is joining a portfolio of software products that include GraphPad Prism, SnapGene, Geneious Prime, Dotmatics, FCS Express, and nQuery.
You may have worked in a laboratory at some point where the contents of most boxes in the freezer were a mystery.

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